भिडियो हेर्नका लागी तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Question: I am a 34-year-old married woman. I do not know how much white water. And at other times when sexual contact. Please solve this problem was made known to be grateful. How come yonirasa? The vagina is a tube-shaped tissue that can become part of a very tankana. The inner layer is slesmayukta.
Therefore, even when the natural conditions that it is a way of wet. But there are plenty of cases usually come to know of the yonirasa grow. Sexual arousal comes when excessive juice, which makes it easy for sex.
After the men in sexual arousal in women uttejata just begins to yonirasa. Sexual arousal is when yonisrava yonirasa come naturally. The main purpose of sexual arousal during sex, effortlessly bringing yonirasako come and make it better be.
Sometimes, to achieve sexual pleasure highly yonisrava the situation may some reduction.
Sexual arousal begin to cut the flow of blood to the vaginal region and also bhagaksetra and seem to be more. There are plenty of raktanasa round. When the winds of blood increases sexual raktanasaharuma. If the glands are not special, but the vaginal juice out of it brings tears to the wall. These are only the beginning of much juice out of my fault, winding yonidvarabhanda also comes out. Yonirasa katimatra that comes with some of the position depends on the level of sexual excitement is also the man in.
Why the vagina is dry?
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