भिडियो हेर्नका लागी तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस
Agency. Women's bodies are a regular monthly discharge biological process. But the diverse opinions are found in Hindu religious manyatala mahinavariko time .Both treat as untouchable. According to Hindus, menstrual blood to leave the woman's body when she is impure by her garbage. So when a woman cooking monthly wages, the worship is allowed to participate, with others untouched rules should have been made. But this process of change, chronologically, with the situation of women by month, by virtue of the biologically normal routine will be rejected untouchability has been developing values and culture chamahinavari blood when his body proper sanitation niskincha But if we are to women that women are by no means common practice to practice discrimination is increasing.
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